I was born and raised in Valladolid, a city in northwestern Spain.
At sixteen I moved to the US, where I graduated from High School. I
then went on to study Political Science at a distance learning
university while working in the UK and in 2016 I was accepted into
the Diplomatic School in Spain where I got my masters in
International Relations, after which I started working for the
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Currently, I am based in the
UK, working as a visa consultant, and studying a masters in Applied
Statistics at a distance learning university.
In 2020 I discovered my passion for coding and so my coding journey
began. I am currently undertaking classes in HTML, CSS and
JavaScript. Once I have gained enough Front-end experience I plan to
further my programming knowledge.
I have been drawing ever since I can remember and have won many
drawing contests throughout my school years; The most important
being in 2001, at eleven years old, when I won a nationwide
Christmas postcard drawing contest in Spain. Drawing is a real
passion for me and I would love to become a professional illustrator
one day.
Photography is another field that inspires me. It was not until 2017
that I got my first ever reflex camera and was able to snap high
quality photographs. Still, anywhere I go I like to capture the
moments and sights I find worth capturing. I more recently had the
opportunity to photograph a wedding and received quite positive